Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Exciting Announcement!

As I'm writing this, it is the first day of fall/autumn/that wonderful time of year when the air gets crisp and the leaves get crisper and colorful.

And here I am! Just like I said.

...Without a recipe.


Hubby and I do have an exciting announcement to make, very shortly! It will be another week or two until I can fully confirm or deny what that surprise is--but I welcome guesses.

FYI: This is a no-cigar-required celebration, so if your guess is "BABIES!", your guess is wrong. Sorry! Try again another time.

P.S., for those of you who already know, don't spoil the surprise for everyone else--but do feel free to giggle incessantly that you know something they don't.

See you in a week or two!

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