Vegetarian FAQ

As any vegetarian or vegan will tell you, we encounter these questions on a monthly, if not weekly, and sometimes (absurdly) daily basis. Yes, that even includes the really weird ones. In fact, those are the ones I get asked the most.

So, let's get these out of the way early*:

Why are you vegetarian?

Because I watched too many videos about the practices of slaughter houses. Four in a row, actually (not my smartest move.). I never set out to become a vegetarian, and in fact was quite the opposite for  all my life up until that fateful moment when I was about 14 years old when I would have to kiss bacon goodbye forev--

Well you don't have to.

...Well, it's a conviction of mine, same as your [Political Issue #1] and [Humanitarian Issue #2.], so yes, I had to.

As I was saying... After watching all of these videos, I wrote off all of the meat in the house as dead to me (no pun intended), and left all of the lunch meat, pepperoni, Slim Jims, etc., etc. to my brother and dad to finish. My mom was already vegetarian, for similar reasons, so she wouldn't touch it either. (My brother is a vegetarian, now, too!)

Would you eat meat if you bought it from kinder source, one that treated its animals better?

Well, that animal would still have to die for me, which I decided after several months of being vegetarian I did not want. For the first 6 months - 1 year I stubbornly believed I would eventually "get over" my new found convictions and go back to eating meat. That was in 2004, and this is now, and I am still a vegetarian. "Humane" sources or not.

Well, what if it was you or the animal?

Oh, boy. Is this one of those "deserted island" or "lost in the wilderness with no other sources of food" scenarios?


Well, I have never been on a deserted island, so I am not sure. I guess it depends on--

What about lab-grown meat?

Hey! I didn't even finish the last one! You don't really care about these answers, do you?

Fine. As to lab-grown meat, I would probably have to say no, I would not eat that either. I would never fully trust that it was not in some way harming an animal.

But they're just cells, not animals.

Dude, have you ever seen "The Island"? How do you know it's not an animal? Anyway--serious question, please?

Where do you get your protein/Do you get enough protein?

Ah, the favorite question to ask vegetarians. When was the last time you asked anyone else such a technical question about their diet? But, some people actually want to know, so here's some educational "light" reading for ya. (Hint: If the sources are all you're curious about, scroll straight to the bottom.)

Also, do you eat too much protein? Here's another link.

Do you eat/drink cheese, eggs, milk, ice cream, bread, etc.?

(Yes, I was asked about bread once.) I am a vegetarian, not a vegan, although I do try to cook and eat vegan if possible. But cheese is just so dang good!

But so is meat...

Okay, I've had enough of your sass.

If you have any more questions, please leave a comment and I will add it up here!

*Disclaimer: All sarcasm is well-intentioned. I have plenty of carnivorous friends, and the teasing there goes both ways.

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