Monday, November 3, 2014

This is why I love this man...

I have to brag for a minute. I try not to, but I have to give this man credit for this. I'm sorry if that bothers you. If it does, feel free not to read this post.

A few days ago, Hubby got out of work early. I asked if he could pick up the ingredients for the owl cookies, since the store I had gone to the day before that had been 100% sold out of candy corn and I discovered that my giant tub of cookie cutters in fact did not have an owl cookie cutter in it.

He found everything I needed, and then also brought me home some extras. This is what I found on the table when I got home:

Things you need to know about this:

1) Little notes are my favorite part of any surprise.

2) I love chocolate. Godiva chocolate is my favorite chocolate, and since it is grossly expensive, I never get it for myself.

3) I love receiving plants more than receiving flowers, because plants tend to survive where flowers generally do not. (I still like flowers, too, though.)

4) I have a strange affection for small cacti of all kinds, and if I could I would probably line every windowsill in my house with miniature cacti. But alas, we live in New York and the poor little cacti would probably frown on my plan as soon as the cold weather hit.

As you can see from the photo, Hubby hit all of these on the dot.

1) Love note--Check. Sweet and simple.

2) Chocolate--Check. All I saw at first was "Truffles".

Then I unwrapped it and realized what it actually was. Best kind of chocolate--Check. He refused to even share it with me because it was for me. (I made him at least try the dark chocolate truffle, since he doesn't understand my obsession with Godiva even as he supports it. He understands now.)

3 & 4) He braved a strange look from a store clerk when he strolled into their upstate New York shop in late October and asked, as if it were a totally normal request, if they happened to have any cacti in the back room because he didn't see any out front. Because every store has a secret stash of cacti in their back room, dontchaknow. Luckily for him (and me!) they had just gotten in their shipment of Christmas cacti. Did anyone else know that was a thing? 'Cause I didn't. In any case: Plant and cactus--check.

Needless to say, I made happy noises, devoured the chocolate, and tried my darndest to figure out if a Christmas cactus was actually a cactus or just named that, because it kind of looked like a leafy plant-cactus hybrid. (It actually is a cactus. I looked it up.)

And, just for the effect, he added one of the roses he'd gotten me the other day, because he's a visual person like me.

Now, let's see how long I can keep this cactus alive. Anyone have any experience with these and know how often they need watering?

P.S....He also vacuumed, did the dishes, cleaned the bathroom and made our bed, because he's just cool like that.

I love this man.

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