Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chocolate Chip Butter Cookies

Sorry for the delay, folks. I promise the blog is not dead again! Hubby got into a car accident a few weeks ago. Everyone's fine minus Sammy, his old car--so we were dealing with that. But we got a pretty new car because of it, so I guess not all is lost!

Do y'all remember my butter-nutella cookies, and how I said it was a varied version of one of my favorite cookie recipes? Well, this is the original! These were included in some gift baskets I did over Christmas.

Original recipe credit goes to one of my all-time favorite cookbooks, the Taste of Home Ultimate Cookie Collection (thanks, Mom!).

Let's get down to it:

Prep time: Less than 10 minutes

Cook time: ~12 minutes

Serves: ~2 dozen (the original recipe says 4 dozen, but I must make my cookies bigger)


1 cup butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips


1. Combine your flour and sugar.

2. In a separate bowl, melt your butter in the microwave.

Stir in your vanilla.

3. Add the butter mixture to your flour mixture.

And of course, we can't forget the chocolate chips!

4. Form the dough into 1-inch balls. They don't really spread out or lose their shape much, so if you want flatter cookies you'll have to form them that way before they bake.

(Here, have a background Stella)

Since the batter is butter-based, you don't need to spray the cookie pan unless you want to! They don't really stick.

5. Bake at 375 degrees F for about 12 minutes, until the edges are browning up a bit.



  1. So once I am done with my sugar fast, I will give you gf flour and have you make these for me! Maybe for my birthday!

    1. Works for me! Your birthday is still months away, though--we can do it sooner if you like. :)
