Thursday, December 18, 2014

Favorite Blogs

I have a shocking revelation for you all: I love food blogs.

I know. Groundbreaking, right?

For those days (or weeks...Oops.) when I am bad at consistently cooking and blogging myself, here are some of my favorite food blogs to check out:

I've mentioned her before--Ree Drummond, blogger extraordinaire. She has 5+ blog sections on her site, home-schools her children, writes cookbooks, helps manage a cattle ranch and has her own TV show. She's pretty much the Superwoman of food bloggers.

Long story short, I love her and she's awesome. Hands down my favorite blog and possibly favorite female writer in general. Her humor keeps me coming back, and it doesn't hurt that she posts about a lot of the things I'm interested in (namely, of course, recipes.).

This was actually the first food blog I ever really became interested in, and possibly the first time I realized that food-blogging was a thing, or at least a thing for regular people or people without a TV show/channel. I found their website accidentally one day while Googling for vegetarian recipes and never looked back. I got one of my favorite recipes from them, which will probably someday make its way on here!

I am an oil painter in my non-cooking life, but food art is not a medium I ever expect to come easily to me. At least, nothing that involves frosting. (Remember those owl cookies? Cute, but no masterpieces.) If you're like me, though, sometimes you like to look at and enjoy things that you will probably never be able to achieve and marvel that at least someone can do it. That is what Bakerella does for me. Maybe it will do the same for you!

For when you need a sweets fix. I haven't read this blog for long, but I an impressed with the transition from humble beginnings to where she is now and her desire to share her blogging experiences with others. Plus, cookies! And pretty photos! (I know, that was a terrible endorsement.)

These are a few of my favorite things... 

...Online, anyway!



  1. I think I will check out the pioneer lady one:-) She seems like a friend talking to me directly when I watch her show!
