Monday, March 16, 2015

"Caprese" Breakfast Sandwich

Remember way back when in the original breakfast sandwich post, I said that I would probably do "fancy" ones eventually?

Here's the first one!

I also like to make this combination into an omelet (usually with onions, too, in that case) but today I did a breakfast sandwich instead. Well, Saturday I did. You know what I mean.

The caprese is in quotes because real caprese uses basil leaves, and I used pesto instead for more flavor. And the ingredients list is a lie because I accidentally bought "normal" mozzarella instead of fresh mozzarella, which is what caprese actually uses most of the time. Either mozzarella works, really.

Anywho--Let's get down to it.

Prep time: 2 minutes

Cook time: 5-7 minutes

Serves: 2


2 large eggs
1/2 plum tomato, sliced
~2 large slices of fresh mozzarella
1 teaspoon pesto
1/3-1/2 baguette, sliced lengthwise


1. Start with your eggs.

Crack 'em into a bowl--

--and wreck 'em. (AKA scramble them.)

2. Spray a small skillet with non-stick cooking spray.

Pour the eggs in over low heat and cover.

Cook for about 3 minutes on one side, until the top is almost solid.

Flip onto the other side and cook for another minute and slice in half.

3. Toast your bread.

Slather one side in pesto. If you have access to fresh basil and feel like making your own pesto, feel free! I used store-bought, but I'm hoping this summer to finally tackle making my own. My Aunt Lori makes it in huge bunches with basil from her garden!

Lay out the fresh mozzarella.

Layer the two halves of your egg patty on there.


Top with the other half of the bread and slice it in half to make two sandwiches.

There you are!

This is the part where I don't mention that when I picked the plate up to take a picture, the top half of one of these sandwiches slid straight into the toaster. There's still a little slice of tomato in there that I'm not quite sure how to get out.

I mean.

Everything went perfectly with no errors or tomatoes-in-toaster!



  1. Looks yummy and sorry about the mishap with the toaster and tomato:-)
