Friday, March 20, 2015

Tulips for Spring!

Happy Spring!

It's the first day of Spring!

Spring has finally come!

Rejoice for Spring!

I'm a little excited. So I made food tulips in celebration!

I have planned on doing this food craft for the last week or so but last night, the moment I got in bed, the moment my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes (of course)--my eyes shot open and I remembered that we forgot to get toothpicks last night and I also forgot to get the veggies ready.

So, this morning I woke up ten minutes early to cut up the veggies (It's super fast!), and today on my lunch hour at work I got toothpicks. I was a little behind.

Today is a little food craft, not really a recipe, but so adorable! I saw it on Pinterest and knew I had to replicate it. (Although I did it from memory so it looks a little different. Oh, well!)

Let's get down to it:

Prep time: 5-10 minutes

Cook time: Zero!

Yields: 5 "tulips" (but super easy to make into a much bigger batch!)


5x 1/4"-thick slices of carrot
5x 1/4"-thick slices of cucumber
5 toothpicks


1. Let's start with the carrot slice.

Slice off about 1/5 of the top of your carrot slice. It seemed to line up with the inner ring when I did it.

Starting at one of the ends, cut out a tiny triangle from the flat edge you just made.

Cut another triangle out of the center of the carrot slice.

And repeat the triangle-cut for the other edge.

Here you have your flower!

2. Now your cucumber slice.

Starting about 1/4"-1/8" from one of the cucumber edges, make a curved slice out toward the top. (I actually had to cut down on this leaf afterward, it was a little too big.)

Starting from the same center point, make another slice mirroring the first.

Remove the little triangle shape that you made.

There are your leaves!

3. Repeat with all of the other slices.

4. Grab your toothpicks.

Gingerly (did I mention gingerly?) slide the cucumber onto the toothpick, a bit over halfway up.

Gently pop the carrot flower onto the top.

And there you have a teeny-tiny vegetable flower!

Rinse and repeat for the rest, until you have a little garden going. Aren't they so cute?

Methinks this would help with picky eaters...Just a hunch!


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