Monday, January 19, 2015

Mini "Marinated" Mushroom Wraps

I've got a couple of quick tortilla-based recipes for y'all this week.

Today's is not only vegetarian, but actually accidentally vegan! Happy Meatless Monday for sure.

Enter: Mini "Marinated" mushroom wraps. (I like alliteration.)

Why is the marinated part in quotes? Well, you could actually take the time to marinate these, but I just did this all at the same time. It's the sort of thing I would use for a marinade, but this time did not. So it's...semi-marinated?

I'm confusing myself.

Let's get down to it:

Prep time: <5 minutes
Cook time: ~15 minutes
Yields: 5 wraps


1 package mushrooms, stems removed
1 white or yellow onion
2 celery stalks
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon teriyaki sauce
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon light barbeque sauce
2 tablespoons Thai peanut sauce, plus more to serve
5 small whole wheat tortillas


1.Start with your mushrooms.

Slice them lengthwise.

Then width-wise, so you have little chunks.

Chop your onion. The smaller the better!

Then your celery.

Pour a little bit o' olive oil in a skillet. (Less than I have here, I actually had to drain some. Whoops.)

Add in your onions and garlic and sauté for a 3-5 minutes.

Chuck in your celery.

And mushrooms.

Mix all those up and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Then, add in all of your sauces--teriyaki, soy, peanut and barbecue. Mix well.

Let those simmer for about 5-10 minutes, until everything seems to be soaking it up.

Grab a tortilla. (Or two.)

Now, this part could be avoided if you marinaded and then drained the liquid before cooking, but since I didn't, this is how I served it: with a slotted spoon. All that sauce is yummy, but super messy.

Plop a couple spoonfuls of that onto the tortilla. (We used little guys, about 8")

Drizzle on a little extra of the Thai peanut sauce, since it's amazingly good.

Fold that bad boy up.

And make sure you grab a spoon for the stuff that falls out. It all needs love!



  1. The kitchen looks familiar! Glad we had stuff in the house for our favorite vegetarian lovie!
