Last time, I said that my resolutions for 2015 were to blog more, improve my food photography, and find that darn elusive charger.
Well, as it happens, one of them has already been achieved!
First, please take a look at this old photo from one of my recipes, showing our cutting board on top of the clothes dryer.
I would like to add that the dryer is a front-load, not top-load, and that the cutting board is raised.
Which means the dryer never has to be cleaned off so the cutting board stays there, and that things can fit under said cutting board. I also usually plug in the charger for the camera in an outlet just to the above-left of the dryer, which is where I last recalled seeing it.
I think y'all can see where this is going.
There it is, in all its glory. Woohoo! Hubby gets credit for this one. He discovered it, marooned beneath the cutting board.
He got many kisses from me for that one.
New recipes this week! Only one more post after this one with photos from the replacement not-as-good camera, and after that, they should all be from the original with the previously missing charger! Woohoo! (again!)
Happy New Year! (...again!)
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